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Title: Tasación de viviendas en Barcelona
Author: Balaguer Baños, Ricardo
Director/Tutor: Vayá, Esther
Keywords: Economia
Valoració immobiliària
Negocis immobiliaris
Treballs de fi de grau
Real property valuation
Real estate business
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Abstract: (cast) Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la observación y la predicción del precio de la vivienda en venta ya sean viviendas nuevas o usadas en la ciudad de Barcelona. Para la observación se usan técnicas de econometría espacial con el fin de representar la autocorrelación espacial del precio de las viviendas entre barrios de Barcelona mediante mapas, para la predicción se utiliza el método de los mínimos cuadrados ordinarios para obtener la valoración de una vivienda en la ciudad de Barcelona.
(eng) To start with, the study attempts to promote a service company to make profit on housing through the reformations, during the initial analysis and the possibility of using a tool that helps to find out the fastest price of housing. This work has the objective of observing and predicting the price of the houses in sale in the city of Barcelona. For the observation, spatial econometrics techniques are used to represent the spatial autocorrelation of housing prices between districts of Barcelona using maps and for prediction, the ordinary least squares method is used to obtain the valuation of a house in the city. For the prediction, the physical characteristics of the typology of the dwelling combined with a geolocated variable are used, which is explained by the fact that in housing areas the dwelling is located in the same city. Determining the price thanks to its location. The observations and precisions of this work are limited in time, and you only present real information for a few months after the variation in market prices. The results of the observation of the differentiated parts of the price difference, a relation of high values and another of low values. In the predictive part, we obtain a model that can be predicted by a subsequent correction.
Note: Treballs Finals del Grau d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019 , Tutor: Esther Vaya Valcarce
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Economia

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