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Title: PERCEIVE WP2: Evaluation of EU citizens’ perception of the EU project: Key variables for citizens' identification with EU - Datasets - PART B
Author: Calia, Pinuccia
López-Bazo, Enrique
Moreno Serrano, Rosina
Royuela Mora, Vicente
Suriñach Caralt, Jordi
Keywords: Percepció
Integració social
Països de la Unió Europea
Social integration
European Union countries
Issue Date: Jul-2019
Abstract: This dataset refers to PERCEIVE tasks 2.4 and 2.5. These tasks analyze the data sets developed by PERCEIVE task 2.1 in order to identify, quantify and synthetize the most important variables to asses identification with EU by citizens. The results feed an update of the data set developed in task 2.1. Finally, these data is be used to model convergence of EU citizens' identification in the case study regions. Data consists of the quantitative statistical information used to produce all the results of WP2 and the indicators regarding the variables of interest obtained by means of different statistical techniques. Moreover, data on absorption of EU funds, provided by the EC and other research centres and collected in task 2.5, is be gathered in this data set, together with the results of convergence analysis. This data set is be used to evaluate the EU citizens’ perception of the EU project in relation to regional performance of the cohesion policy and institutional quality. WP2 uses primary data from the survey developed in WP1 (“PERCEIVE: WP1: Framework for comparative analysis of the perception of Cohesion Policy and identification with the European Union at citizen level in different European countries: Task1.3: Survey at citizen level” data set) and also comparative case studies on EU countries and regions, coming also from WP1 (”PERCEIVE: WP1: Framework for comparative analysis of the perception of Cohesion Policy and identification with the European Union at citizen level in different European countries: Task1.1: The framework for the comparative analysis” and ”PERCEIVE: WP1: Framework for comparative analysis of the perception of Cohesion Policy and identification with the European Union at citizen level in different European countries: Task1.2: Focus group with Cohesion Policy practitioners” data sets). The data set incorporates data from existing sources including Eurostat and information resulting from the Survey conducted at WP1 of the PERCEIVE’s project. As regards secondary data, no additional treatment is needed. Info about the sources of such data, including references to technical details, is provided in the dataset's codebook.
Note: Datasets are available in CSV format, being the field delimiter « , » (comma). For further clarification, please look at the README files of every data subset.
Part A of this dataset is publicly available at
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