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Title: Lipid profile in human frontal cortex is sustained throught healthy adult lifde span to decay at advanced ages
Author: Cabré, Rosanna
Naudi, Alba
Domínguez González, Mayelín
Jove, Mariona
Ayala, Victòria
Mota-Martorell, Natalia
Portero-Otin, Manuel
Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
Pamplona, Reinald
Pradas, Irene
Nogueras, Lara
Rué, Montserrat
Keywords: Envelliment
Àcids grassos
Lòbul frontal
Fatty acids
Frontal lobe
Issue Date: 9-May-2018
Publisher: Gerontological Society of America
Abstract: Fatty acids are key components in the structural diversity of lipids and play a strategic role in the functional properties of lipids which determine the structural and functional integrity of neural cell membranes, the generation of lipid signaling mediators, and the chemical reactivity of acyl chains. The present study analyzes the profile of lipid fatty acid composition of membranes of human frontal cortex area 8 in individuals ranging from 40 to 90 years old. Different components involved in polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis pathways, as well as adaptive defense mechanisms involved in the lipid-mediated modulation of inflammation, are also assessed. Our results show that the lipid profile in human frontal cortex is basically preserved through the adult life span to decay at advanced ages, which is accompanied by an adaptive proactive anti-inflammatory response possibly geared to ensuring cell survival and function.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2018, vol. 73, num. 6, p. 703-710
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ISSN: 1079-5006
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental)

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