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Title: Over-education and childcare time [WP]
Author: Kucel, Aleksander
Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
Keywords: Economia del treball
Motivació en l'educació
Intervenció educativa
Labor economics
Motivation in education
Educational intervention
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
Series/Report no: [WP E-Eco19/391]
Abstract: Research shows that over-education has negative effects on individuals in terms of their wage and job satisfaction. In this paper, we study the intergenerational implications of over-education via childcare time. We analyze whether being over-educated affects the time mothers devote to take care of their children. We use the American Time Use Survey from 2004 to 2017. We find that over-educated mothers devote less time to primary childcare than they would do were they matched. The effect of being a college graduate mother on primary childcare time during weekdays is significantly lower when she is over-educated. Results suggest that being over-educated is not a deliberate choice prioritizing family over career.
It is part of: UB Economics – Working Papers, 2019, E19/391
Appears in Collections:Documents de treball / Informes (Economia)
UB Economics – Working Papers [ERE]

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