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Title: Defending Nonreductionism About Understanding
Author: Palmira, Michele
Keywords: Teoria del coneixement
Semàntica (Filosofia)
Filosofia de la ment
Context (Lingüística)
Theory of knowledge
Semantics (Philosophy)
Philosophy of mind
Context (Linguistics)
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: In this note I defend nonreductionism about understanding by arguing that knowledge is neither necessary nor sufficient for understanding. To this end, I examine Paulina Sliwa's (2015, 2017) novel defence of knowledge‐based Reductionism (Reductionism for short). Sliwa claims that one understands why p if and only if one has a sufficient amount of knowledge why p. Sliwa contends that Reductionism is supported by intuitive verdicts about our uses of 'understanding why' and 'knowing why'. In reply, I first argue that Sliwa's Reductionism leads to a vicious infinite regress. Secondly, I defuse the motivation in favour of Reductionism by showing how the linguistic data can be accommodated within a Nonreductionist framework.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 2019, vol. 8, num. 3, p. 222-231
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ISSN: 2161-2234
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Filosofia)
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