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Title: Pridopidine Reverses Phencyclidine-Induced Memory Impairment
Author: Sahlholm, Kristoffer
Valle León, Marta
Fernández Dueñas, Víctor
Ciruela Alférez, Francisco
Keywords: Malalties del sistema nerviós central
Assaigs clínics
Malalties neurodegeneratives
Central nervous system diseases
Clinical trials
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Issue Date: 10-Apr-2018
Publisher: Frontiers Media
Abstract: Pridopidine is in clinical trials for Huntington's diseasetreatment. Originally developedas a dopamine D2receptor (D2R) ligand, pridopidine displays about 100-fold higheraffinity for the sigma-1 receptor (sigma-1R). Interestingly, pridopidine slows diseaseprogression and improves motor function in Huntington's disease model mice and,in preliminarily reports, Huntington's disease patients.The present study examinedthe anti-amnesic potential of pridopidine. Thus, memory impairment was produced inmice by administration of phencyclidine (PCP, 10 mg/kg/day) for 10 days, followedby 14 days' treatment with pridopidine (6 mg/kg/day), or saline. Finally, novel objectrecognition performance was assessed in the animals. Mice receiving PCP andsaline exhibited deficits in novel object recognition, as expected, while pridopidinetreatment counteracted PCP-induced memory impairment. The effect of pridopidine wasattenuated by co-administration of the sigma receptor antagonist, NE-100 (10 mg/kg).Our results suggest that pridopidine exerts anti-amnesic and potentially neuroprotectiveactions. These data provide new insights into the therapeutic potential of pridopidine asa pro-cognitive drug.
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It is part of: Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, vol. 9, num. 338
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ISSN: 1663-9812
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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