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Title: In vitro self-organized mouse small intestinal epithelial monolayer protocol
Author: Altay, Gizem
Batlle, Eduard
Fernández-Majada, Vanesa
Martínez Fraiz, Elena
Keywords: Cèl·lules epitelials
Ratolins (Animals de laboratori)
Epithelial cells
Mice as laboratory animals
Issue Date: 5-Feb-2020
Publisher: Bio-protocol LLC
Abstract: Developing protocols to obtain intestinal epithelial monolayers that recapitulate in vivo physiology to overcome the limitations of the organoids’ closed geometry has become of great interest during the last few years. Most of the developed culture models showed physiological-relevant cell composition but did not prove self-renewing capacities. Here, we show a simple method to obtain mouse small intestine-derived epithelial monolayers organized into proliferative crypt-like domains, containing stem cells, and differentiated villus-like regions, closely resembling the in vivo cell composition and distribution. In addition, we adapted our model to a tissue culture format compatible with functional studies and prove close to physiological barrier properties of our in vitro epithelial monolayers. Thus, we have set-up a protocol to generate physiologically relevant intestinal epithelial monolayers to be employed in assays where independent access to both luminal and basolateral compartments is needed, such as drug absorption, intracellular trafficking and microbiome-epithelium interaction assays.
It is part of: Bio-protocol, 2020, vol. 10, num. 3, p. e3514
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