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Title: Optically active Er3+ ions in SiO2 codoped with Si nanoclusters
Author: Navarro Urrios, Daniel
Lebour, Youcef
Jambois, Olivier
Garrido Fernández, Blas
Pitanti, Alessandro
Daldosso, Nicola
Pavesi, Lorenzo
Cardin, J.
Hijazi, K.
Khomenkova, L.
Gourbilleau, Fabrice
Rizk, Richard
Keywords: Matèria condensada
Condensed matter
Issue Date: 6-Nov-2009
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Abstract: Optical properties of directly excited erbium (Er3+) ions have been studied in silicon rich silicon oxide materials codoped with Er3+. The spectral dependence of the direct excitation cross section (σdir) of the Er3+ atomic I415/2→I411/2 transition (around 0.98 μm) has been measured by time resolved μ-photoluminescence measurements. We have determined that σdir is 9.0±1.5×10−21 cm2 at 983 nm, at least twice larger than the value determined on a stoichiometric SiO2 matrix. This result, in combination with a measurement of the population of excited Er3+ as a function of the pumping flux, has allowed quantifying accurately the amount of optically active Er3+. This concentration is, in the best of the cases, 26% of the total Er population measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry, which means that only this percentage could provide optical gain in an eventual optical amplifier based on this material.
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It is part of: Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, vol. 106, núm. 9, p, 93107-1-93107-5
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Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Enginyeria Electrònica i Biomèdica)
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