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Title: Starvation and antimetabolic therapy promote cytokine release and recruitment of immune cells
Author: Püschel, Franziska
Favaro, Francesca
Redondo Pedraza, Jaime
Lucendo, Estefanía
Iurlaro, Raffaella
Marchetti, Sandrine
Majem, Blanca
Eldering, Eric
Nadal, Ernest
Ricci, Jean-Ehrland
Chevet, Eric
Muñoz Pinedo, Cristina
Keywords: Metabolisme
Issue Date: 20-Apr-2020
Publisher: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Abstract: Cellular starvation is typically a consequence of tissue injury that disrupts the local blood supply but can also occur where cell populations outgrow the local vasculature, as observed in solid tumors. Cells react to nutrient deprivation by adapting their metabolism, or, if starvation is prolonged, it can result in cell death. Cell starvation also triggers adaptive responses, like angiogenesis, that promote tissue reorganization and repair, but other adaptive responses and their mediators are still poorly characterized. To explore this issue, we analyzed secretomes from glucose-deprived cells, which revealed up-regulation of multiple cytokines and chemokines, including IL-6 and IL-8, in response to starvation stress. Starvation-induced cytokines were cell type-dependent, and they were also released from primary epithelial cells. Most cytokines were up-regulated in a manner dependent on NF-κB and the transcription factor of the integrated stress response ATF4, which bound directly to the IL-8 promoter. Furthermore, glutamine deprivation, as well as the antimetabolic drugs 2-deoxyglucose and metformin, also promoted the release of IL-6 and IL-8. Finally, some of the factors released from starved cells induced chemotaxis of B cells, macrophages, and neutrophils, suggesting that nutrient deprivation in the tumor environment can serve as an initiator of tumor inflammation.
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It is part of: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, p. 201913707
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