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Title: Kindlin-2 controls bidirectional signaling of integrins.
Author: Montañez, Eloi
Ussar, Siegfried
Schifferer, Martina
Bösl, Michael
Zent, Roy
Moser, Markus
Fässler, Reinhard
Keywords: Proteïnes citosquelètiques
Cytoskeletal proteins
Issue Date: 15-May-2008
Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Abstract: Control of integrin activation is required for cell adhesion and ligand-induced signaling. Here we report that loss of the focal adhesion protein Kindlin-2 in mice results in peri-implantation lethality caused by severe detachment of the endoderm and epiblast from the basement membrane. We found that Kindlin-2-deficient cells were unable to activate their integrins and that Kindlin-2 is required for talin-induced integrin activation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Kindlin-2 is required for integrin outside-in signaling to enable firm adhesion and spreading. Our findings provide evidence that Kindlin-2 is a novel and essential element of bidirectional integrin signaling.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Genes & Development, 2008, vol. 22, num. 10, p. 1325-1330
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ISSN: 0890-9369
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Fisiològiques)

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