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Title: Metalogenia del depósito de manganeso Santa Rosa, Baja California Sur, México
Author: Rodríguez-Díaz, A.
Blanco-Florido1, D.
Canet, C.
Gervilla Linares, Fernando
González-Partida, E.
Prol, Rosa María
Morales-Ruano, S.
Garcia Vallès, Maite
Keywords: Jaciments minerals
Mineral deposits
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Abstract: The Santa Rosa Mn-Ba deposit is located southwest of the town of San Nicolás and south of the Concepción Peninsula in Baja California Sur (Mexico). It consists of a manganese oxide vein-breccia striking NNW with a subvertical dip to the ENE that is exposed discontinuously over 500 m. The deposit is hosted in conglomerates that belong to the Los Volcanes member of the Pliocene age San Nicolas Formation. The mineralization is characterized mainly by banded and brecciated structures with manganese oxides (romanèchite and pyrolusite), along with barite, opal, quartz, calcite, magnetite-maghemite and minor goethite. The ore contains between 23.6 and 50.0 wt. % MnO, 13.3 and 32.4 wt. % SiO2, and 9.9 and 13.7 wt. % BaO. In addition, the ores are significantly enriched in Sr, Sb, As, Cu and Zn. The NASC normalized REE profles show a pronounced negative Eu anomaly and a more moderate negative Ce anomaly. The Fe/Mn and the Co/Zn ratios range between 0.01 and 0.16, and 0.17 and 0.34, respectively. Microthermometry suggests two fluid inclusion populations: one with an average Th of 136.5°C and estimated salinity of 4.2 wt. % equivalent NaCl, and the other with an average Th of 136°C and estimated salinity of 11.4 wt. % equivalent NaCl. The mineralogical and geochemical composition, together with the ore formation conditions and the geotectonic setting, suggest a genetic relation between the Santa Rosa deposit and the modern coastal hydrothermal systems of the Concepción Bay.
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It is part of: Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2010, vol. 62, num. 1, p. 141-159
ISSN: 1405-3322
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Mineralogia, Petrologia i Geologia Aplicada)

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