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Title: The high-energy emission from HD 93129A near periastron
Author: Del Palacio, S.
García, F.
Altamirano, Diego
Barbá, R. H.
Bosch i Ramon, Valentí
Corcoran, Michael F.
De Becker, M.
Hamaguchi, K.
Maíz Apellániz, J.
Munar i Adrover, Pere
Paredes i Poy, Josep Maria
Romero, Gustavo E.
Sana, H.
Tavani, M.
Ud-Doula, A.
Keywords: Acceleradors de partícules
Estels binaris de raigs X
Raigs gamma
Particle accelerators
X-ray binaries
Gamma rays
Issue Date: 1-May-2020
Publisher: Royal Astronomical Society
Abstract: We conducted an observational campaign towards one of the most massive and luminous colliding wind binaries in the Galaxy, HD~93129A, close to its periastron passage in 2018. During this time the source was predicted to be in its maximum of high-energy emission. Here we present our data analysis from the X-ray satellites \textit{Chandra} and \textit{NuSTAR} and the γ-ray satellite \textit{AGILE}. High-energy emission coincident with HD~93129A was detected in the X-ray band up to ∼18~keV, whereas in the γ-ray band only upper limits were obtained. We interpret the derived fluxes using a non-thermal radiative model for the wind-collision region. We establish a conservative upper limit for the fraction of the wind kinetic power that is converted into relativistic electron acceleration, fNT,e<0.02. In addition, we set a lower limit for the magnetic field in the wind-collision region as BWCR>0.3~G. We also argue a putative interpretation of the emission from which we estimate fNT,e≈0.006 and BWCR≈0.5~G. We conclude that multi-wavelength, dedicated observing campaigns during carefully selected epochs are a powerful tool for characterising the relativistic particle content and magnetic field intensity in colliding wind binaries.
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It is part of: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, vol. 494, num. 4, p. 6043-6052
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ISSN: 0035-8711
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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