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Title: Dalitz plot analysis of the D + → K − K + K + decay
Author: LHCb Collaboration
Alfonso Albero, Alejandro
Calvo Gómez, Míriam
Camboni, Alessandro
Coquereau, Samuel
Garrido Beltrán, Lluís
Gascón Fora, David
Gironella Gironell, Pere
Graciani Díaz, Ricardo
Graugés Pous, Eugeni
Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier
Marin Benito, Carla
Keywords: Hadrons
Física de partícules
Particle physics
Issue Date: 8-Apr-2019
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Abstract: The resonant structure of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay D+→K−K+K+ is studied for the first time. The measurement is based on a sample of pp-collision data, collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV with the LHCb detector and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb−1. The amplitude analysis of this decay is performed with the isobar model and a phenomenological model based on an effective chiral Lagrangian. In both models the S-wave component in the K−K+ system is dominant, with a small contribution of the ϕ(1020) meson and a negligible contribution from tensor resonances. The K+K− scattering amplitudes for the considered combinations of spin (0,1) and isospin (0,1) of the two-body system are obtained from the Dalitz plot fit with the phenomenological decay amplitude.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019, p. 63
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ISSN: 1126-6708
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB))
Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)
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