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Title: On the detectability of Teide volcano magma chambers (Tenerife, Canary Islands) with magnetotelluric data
Author: Piña-Varas, Perla
Ledo Fernández, Juanjo
Queralt i Capdevila, Pilar
Marcuello Pascual, Alejandro
Perez, Nemesio
Keywords: Geofísica
Prospecció magnetotel·lúrica
Tenerife (Canàries)
Magnetotelluric prospecting
Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Issue Date: 25-Jan-2018
Publisher: Springer Open
Abstract: Tenerife has been the subject of numerous studies covering a wide range of fields. Many studies have been focused on characterising the magmatic plumbing system. Even so, a controversy still exists regarding the location and size of the current magma chambers. Several magnetotelluric (MT) surveys have been carried out in the island, but no conductivity anomalies associated with the chambers have been detected. We report the results of a set of tests conducted against the 3-D resistivity model of the island, to determine the characteristics of the detectable chambers with the MT data. The most remarkable results indicate that the MT dataset is incompatible with a large-scale mafic reservoir located at shallower depths than 8 km b.s.l. However, shallower phonolitic chambers smaller than 3 x 3 x 1 km(3) could be undetected by the existing MT sites and new data should be acquired to confirm or not their existence. This new information is essential in volcanic islands like Tenerife, since many volcanic hazards are related to the size and depth of the sources of magma. Additionally, a joint interpretation of the obtained results together with other information is summarised in a hypothetical model, allowing us to better understand the internal structure of the island.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Earth, Planets and Space, 2018, vol. 70, p. 14
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ISSN: 1343-8832
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Dinàmica de la Terra i l'Oceà)

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