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Title: Early intervention and perceived quality. Refinement of the inventory of quality in early intervention centers.
Author: Romero-Galisteo, Rita Pilar
Blanco Villaseñor, Ángel
Moreno-Morales, Noelia
Gálvez Ruiz, Pablo
Keywords: Atenció precoç
Control de qualitat
Early intervention (Education)
Quality control
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Wolters Kluwer Health
Abstract: The current perspective on early intervention revolves around consideration of the family as a cornerstone, its opinion being essential in providing a quality service. Early intervention centers require an evaluation of the services they perform. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the short version of the Inventory of Quality for Early Intervention Centers (IQEIC) and to obtain evidence of its validity and reliability. The sample consisted of 887 families from 21 early intervention centers in Spain, which were randomly divided into 2 groups to conduct a cross-validity analysis: exploratory factor analysis with the first group (n1 = 440), and confirmatory factor analysis with the second group (n2 = 447). A 8 factor structure was obtained in the confirmatory factor analysis that showed a good fit. Both the internal consistency (composite reliability ranging from 0.84 to 0.90) and the convergent (AVE values ranged from 0.12 to 0.50) and discriminant validity were adequate. Lastly, a multigroup analysis (n1 and n2) showed the invariance factorial through the difference in the CFI index. The IQEIC showed satisfactory reliability and validity in this study confirming the proposed model is a valid tool to assess the quality of the service provided in early intervention centers, therefore recommending its application for both research and management.
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It is part of: Medicine, 2019, vol. 98, num. 5, p. 15173
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ISSN: 0025-7974
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Psicologia Social i Psicologia Quantitativa)

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