Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia, Sanitat i Medi Ambient) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 640
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Jun-2021La pandemia silenciosaGuerrero Lemus, Ricardo; Berlanga Herranz, Mercedes; Puche, Carles
10-Jan-2023Improvement of the Pour Plate Method by Separate Sterilization of Agar and Other Medium Components and Reduction of the Agar ConcentrationTerrones-Fernandez, I.; Casino, Pablo; López Sevilla, Asunción; Peiró Sánchez, Sara; Ríos, Santiago; Nardi Ricart, Anna; García Montoya, Encarna; Asensio, Daniel; Marqués Villavecchia, Ana M.; Castilla, R.; Gámez-Montero, P. J.; Piqué i Clusella, Núria
31-Jan-2023Barriers to simultaneous multilocus integration in Bacillus subtilis tumble down: development of a straightforward screening method for the colorimetric detection of one-step multiple gene insertion using the CRISPR-Cas9 systemFerrando Benítez, Jordi; Filluelo, Oriana; Zeigler, Daniel R.; Picart, Pere
3-Oct-2022Parasitemia Levels in Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Spain, an Area Where the Disease Is Not Endemic: Trends by Different Molecular Approaches.Flores-Chávez, María D.; Abras Feliu, Alba; Ballart Ferrer, J. Cristina; Ibáñez-Pérez, Ismael; Pérez-Gordillo, Pilar; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat); Muñoz, Carmen; Moure, Zaira; Sulleiro, Elena; Nieto, Javier; García Diez, Emilia; Simón, Lorena; Cruz, Israel; Picado de Puig, Albert
4-Jan-2023Underestimation of Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania infantum in an Endemic Area of the Mediterranean Basin (Balearic Islands)Alcover Amengual, Maria Magdalena; Rocamora, Vicenç; Ribas Salvador, Alexis; Fisa Saladrigas, Roser; Riera Lizandra, Ma. Cristina
16-Sep-2022Downregulation of Tomato STEROL GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 Perturbs Plant Development and Facilitates Viroid InfectionCisneros, Adriana E.; Lisón, Purificación; Campos, Laura; López-Tubau, Joan Manel; Altabella Artigas, Teresa; Ferrer i Prats, Albert; Daròs, José-Antonio; Carbonell, Alberto
2022Morphologic and genetic characterization of Pterygodermatites (Mesopectines) valladaresi n. sp. (Nematoda, Rictulariidae), a parasite of the mouse Mus musculus (Rodentia, Muridae) from the Canary Islands (Spain)Miquel Colomé, Jordi; Martín-Carrillo, Natalia; Ribas Salvador, Alexis; Sánchez Vicente, Santiago; Feliu José, Carlos; Foronda, Pilar
11-Dec-2022Tomato STEROL GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 silencing unveils a major role of steryl glycosides in plant and fruit developmentChávez, Ángel; Castillo, Nídia; López-Tubau, Joan Manel; Atanasov, Kostadin Evgeniev; Fernández-Crespo, Emma; Camañes, Gemma; Altabella Artigas, Teresa; Ferrer i Prats, Albert
4-May-2022Assessing the inhibitory activity of culture supernatants against foodborne pathogens of two psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from river troutCondò, Carla; Gómez Álvarez, Irene; Farfán Sellarés, Maribel; Rius Bofill, Núria
25-Apr-2022Experimental evidence of antimicrobial activity in Antarctic seaweeds: ecological role and antibiotic potentialMartín Martín, Rafael Pablo; Carcedo-Forés, Marta; Camacho-Bolós, Pablo; García Aljaro, Cristina; Angulo Preckler, Carlos; Ávila Escartín, Conxita; Rull, Jordi; Gómez Garreta, Ma. Amelia
14-Nov-2022Identification of Leishmania infantum Epidemiology, Drug Resistance and Pathogenicity Biomarkers with Nanopore SequencingMartí-Carreras, Joan; Carrasco, Maria; Gómez-Ponce, Marcel; Noguera Julian, Marc; Fisa Saladrigas, Roser; Riera Lizandra, Ma. Cristina; Alcover Amengual, Maria Magdalena; Roura, Xavier; Ferrer, Lluís; Francino, Olga
13-Jan-2022Stowaways of a Stowaway: Parasites of Invasive RodentsRibas Salvador, Alexis; Henttonen, Heikki; Morand, Serge
2022Insights into the control of taxane metabolism: Molecular, cellular, and metabolic changes induced by elicitation in Taxus baccata cell suspensionsPerez-Mata, Edgar; Hanano, Abdulsamie; Moyano Claramunt, Elisabet; Bonfill Baldrich, Ma. Mercedes; Cusidó Vidal, Rosa M.; Palazón Barandela, Javier
2022Biotic Elicitors in Adventitious and Hairy Root Cultures: A Review from 2010 to 2022Alcalde Alvites, Miguel Angel; Pérez Matas, Edgar; Escrich, Ainoa; Cusidó Vidal, Rosa; Palazón Barandela, Javier; Bonfill Baldrich, Ma. Mercedes
25-Jun-2022Exopolysaccharide ID1 Improves Post-Warming Outcomes after Vitrification of In Vitro-Produced Bovine EmbryosOrdóñez-León, Erika Alina; Martínez-Rodero, Iris; García-Martínez, Tania; López Béjar, Manel; Yeste Velasco, Marc; Mercadé Gil, M. Elena; Mogas, Teresa
27-Jul-2022Biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis DS03: Properties and Application in Cleaning Out Place System in a Pilot Sausages ProcessingCruz Mendoza, Iana; Villavicencio-Vasquez, Mirian; Aguayo, Paola; Coello Montoya, Diana; Plaza, Luis; Romero-Peña, María; Marqués Villavecchia, Ana M.; Coronel León, Jonathan
19-Oct-2021Phytosterol metabolism in plant positive-strand RNA virus replicationAltabella Artigas, Teresa; Ramírez Estrada, Karla; Ferrer i Prats, Albert
28-Oct-2022The Effects of Differentiated Organic Fertilization on Tomato Production and Phenolic Content in Traditional and High-Yielding VarietiesGonzález-Coria, Johana; Lozano-Castellón, Julián; Jaime-Rodríguez, Carolina; Olmo-Cunillera, Alexandra; Laveriano-Santos, Emily P.; Pérez Bosch, Maria; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.; Puig, Jordi; Vallverdú i Queralt, Anna; Romanyà i Socoró, Joan
15-May-2022Metabolic gene expression and centelloside production in elicited Centella asiatica hairy root culturesAlcalde Alvites, Miguel Angel; Cusidó Vidal, Rosa M.; Moyano Claramunt, Elisabet; Palazón Barandela, Javier; Bonfill Baldrich, Ma. Mercedes
2016Aportacions a Flora Catalana Antiga, 1. Hedera helix L. (Araliaceae)Blanché i Vergés, Cèsar
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 640