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Title: Manager or professional politician? Local fiscal autonomy and the skills of elected officials
Author: Bordignon, Massimo
Gamalerio, Matteo
Turati, Gilberto
Keywords: Descentralització administrativa
Partits polítics
Tàctiques polítiques
Política fiscal
Decentralization in government
Political parties
Practical politics
Fiscal policy
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Abstract: We provide a theoretical and empirical assessment of why local fiscal autonomy can affect the skills of elected officials in sub-national governments. We first develop a model of politics with different types of politicians and show that - following a tax decentralization reform increasing local fiscal autonomy - politicians with high administrative skills are elected in rich jurisdictions while politicians with high political skills are elected in poor ones. As a result, voter welfare increases only, or mainly, in rich jurisdictions. We then look for empirical support to these predictions by exploiting the decentralization reforms affecting Italian municipalities in the '90s. These reforms introduced both the direct election of the mayor and new autonomous tax tools for municipalities characterized by large differences in their tax bases. Our estimates - robust to several alternative stories - emphasize a differential change in elected officials at the municipal level between rich and poor jurisdictions. These findings provide a new explanation for the observed poor performance of local governments largely financed by grants.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2020, vol. 83, num. July, p. 103529
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ISSN: 0166-0462
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Economia)

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