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Title: L’Amor virtual: de la pantalla a la vida real
Author: Puig de la Bellacasa Nebot, Paula
Keywords: Sociologia
Xarxes socials
Conducta sexual
Treballs de fi de grau
Social networks
Sex customs
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Abstract: [cat] D’ençà d’aquests últims anys un gran nombre de persones busquen conèixer potencials parelles sexuals o sentimentals a través d’aplicacions de cites, en aquest treball parlarem de les seves motivacions, objectius, temors i valoracions a l’hora de lligar virtualment. Estudiarem les aplicacions de cites, des del seu auge fins a l’actualitat, plasmant la diversitat de plataformes que existeixen per les diferents fases d’una relació i proposant escenaris de futur. Estadístiques, dades i articles ens donaran informació sobre les aplicacions, els comportaments i vivències dels usuaris amb relació a aquestes plataformes, però també nocions sobre els perills que amaguen, principalment un preocupant percentatge d’assetjament sexual envers les dones. Per últim, aquest treball presenta una completa anàlisi de divuit aplicacions mitjançant tres qüestionaris, els quals s’han materialitzat en un marc de referència i dues anàlisis de les webs, una centrada en el seu discurs i l’altre en la imatge que donen al seu públic.
[eng] Nowadays, more and more people seek to meet their next sexual or sentimental partner through online dating apps. Due to this increasing and interesting trend, this project attempts to analyse and explain people’s motivations, aims, fears and appraisals regarding the use of these tools. In order to do so, several dating apps have been studied, from their emergence until the present, highlighting some apps that may be less popular but also related to the different phases of romantic and sexual relationships. Statistics, data, experts’ opinions and articles have been the main source and basis of the literature review, as well as diverse, real dating-app behaviours and experiences of young users with these platforms. Additionally, an emphasis has been put on the perils and risks of this kind of applications, predominately the worrisome high percentage of sexual harassment, especially to women. The research of this study presents a complete analysis of eighteen dating apps, consisting of three questionnaires that have materialized in a frame of references, and two analyses of these webs: one about their speeches and the other one related to the image they give to the public. The result of these analyses have provided an explanation to better understand these types of apps, determining what is common and usual among them and what is special and characteristic of each one. Finally, three distinct proposals of future potential scenarios for dating applications are given: a possible future, a probable future and a desirable future. The thesis ends with the design of a survey including the several questions and topics that have been suggested and opened for discussion in this paper.
Note: Treballs Finals del Grau de Sociologia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020 , Tutor: José Antonio Rodríguez Díaz
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Sociologia

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