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Title: Combining sensitive crossmatch assays with donor/recipient human leukocyte antigen eplet matching predicts living-donor kidney transplant outcome
Author: Meneghini, Maria
Melilli, Edoardo
Martorell, Jaume
Revuelta, Ignacio
Rigol Monzó, Elisabet
Manonelles, Anna
Montero, Nuria
Cucchiari, David
Diekmann, Fritz
Cruzado, Josep Ma.
Gil-Vernet, Salvador
Grinyó Boira, Josep M.
Bestard Matamoros, Oriol
Keywords: Trasplantament renal
Kidney transplantation
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Introduction: Despite the different assays available for immune-risk stratification before living-donor kidney transplantation (LDKT), the precise type and number of tests to perform remain uncertain. Methods: In a cohort of 330 consecutive LDKT patients, all of which were complement-dependent cyto- toxicity (CDC) crossmatch negative, we retrospectively analyzed the impact on main clinical outcomes of most sensitive immunoassays (complement-dependent cytotoxicity panel-reactive antibody [CDC-PRA], flow cytometry crossmatch [FC-XM], donor-specific antibodies [DSAs], and their complement-binding capacity DSA-C3d]), together with donor/recipient HLA eplet matching. Mean follow-up was 67 months (range 24 190 months). Results: Of 330 patients, 35 (11%) showed a CDC-PRA >20%; 17 (5%) FC-XMþ; 30 (9%) DSAþ, 18(5%) DSA- C3dþ, with low overlapping results (10 patients positive in all donor-specific tests). Unlike HLA allele compatibility, the mean number of HLA class II eplet mismatches was higher in LDKT patients with positive baseline test results. DSA-C3dþ showed higher mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) DSA, with a cut-off MFI of 6192 accurately predicting complement fixation (area under the curve 1⁄4 0.85, P 1⁄4 0.008). Although all assays were associated with acute rejection (AR), only DSA-C3dþ (odds ratio [OR] 1⁄4 6.64, P 1⁄4 0.038) or high MFI-DSA (OR 1⁄4 7.54, P 1⁄4 0.038) independently predicted AR. Likewise, poorly HLA class II eplet matched patients were at higher risk for AR, particularly patients with negative baseline test results (OR 1⁄4 1.14, P 1⁄4 0.019). Finally, previous AR and FC-XMþ/DSAþ, regardless of C3d positivity, indepen- dently predicted graft loss. Conclusion: Combining FC-XM and solid-phase assays with the evaluation of donor/recipient HLA eplet mismatches, are most accurate tools for immune-risk stratification prior LDKT.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Kidney International Reports, 2018, vol. 3, num. 4, p. 926-938
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ISSN: 2468-0249
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Clíniques)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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