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Title: Assessing effectiveness of colonic and gynecological risk reducing surgery in lynch syndrome individuals
Author: Dueñas, Nuria
Navarro, Matilde
Teulé-Vega, Àlex
Solanes, Ares
Salinas Masdeu, Mònica
Iglesias Casals, Sílvia
Munté, Elisabet
Ponce i Sebastià, Jordi
Guardiola, Jordi
Kreisler, Esther
Carballas, Elvira
Cuadrado, Marta
Matias-Guiu, Xavier
Ossa, Napoleón de la
Lop, Joan
Lázaro García, Conxi
Capellá, G. (Gabriel)
Pineda Riu, Marta
Brunet, Joan
Keywords: Càncer colorectal
Càncer d'endometri
Càncer ginecològic
Càncer d'ovari
Colorectal cancer
Endometrial cancer
Gynecologic cancer
Ovarian cancer
Issue Date: 18-Nov-2020
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Background: Colorectal (CRC) and endometrial cancer (EC) are the most common types of cancer in Lynch syndrome (LS). Risk reducing surgeries (RRS) might impact cancer incidence and mortality. Our objectives were to evaluate cumulative incidences of CRC, gynecological cancer and all-cause mortality after RRS in LS individuals. Methods: retrospective analysis of 976 LS carriers from a single-institution registry. Primary endpoints were cumulative incidence at 75 years of cancer (metachronous CRC in 425 individuals; EC and ovarian cancer (OC) in 531 individuals) and all-cause mortality cumulative incidence, comparing extended (ES) vs. segmental surgery (SS) in the CRC cohort and risk reducing gynecological surgery (RRGS) vs. surveillance in the gynecological cohort. Results: cumulative incidence at 75 years of metachronous CRC was 12.5% vs. 44.7% (p = 0.04) and all-cause mortality cumulative incidence was 38.6% vs. 55.3% (p = 0.31), for ES and SS, respectively. Cumulative, incidence at 75 years was 11.2% vs. 46.3% for EC (p = 0.001) and 0% vs. 12.7% for OC (p N/A) and all-cause mortality cumulative incidence was 0% vs. 52.7% (p N/A), for RRGS vs. surveillance, respectively. Conclusions: RRS in LS reduces the incidence of metachronous CRC and gynecological neoplasms, also indicating a reduction in all-cause mortality cumulative incidence in females undergoing RRGS.
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It is part of: Cancers, 2020, vol. 12, num. 11, p. 3419
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ISSN: 2072-6694
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental)
Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Clíniques)
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Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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