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Title: Cancer risk and survival in path_MMR carriers by gene and gender up to 75 years of age: a report from the Prospective Lynch Syndrome Database
Author: Møller, Pål
Seppälä, Toni T.
Bernstein, Inge
Holinski Feder, Elke
Sala, Paulo
Gareth Evans, D.
Lindblom, Annika
Macrae, Finlay
Blanco Guillermo, Ignacio
Sijmons, Rolf H.
Jeffries, Jacqueline
Vasen, Hans
Burn, John
Nakken, Sigve
Hovig, Eivind
Rødland, Einar Andreas
Tharmaratnam, Kukatharmini
de Vos Tot Nederveen Cappel, Wouter H.
Hill, James
Wijnen, Juul T.
Jenkins, Mark A.
Green, Kate
Lalloo, Fiona
Sunde, Lone
Mints, Miriam
Bertario, Lucio
Pineda Riu, Marta
Navarro García, Matilde
Morak, Monika
Renkonen Sinisalo, Laura
Dominguez Valentin, Mev
Frayling, Ian M.
Plazzer, John-Paul
Pylvänäinen, Kirsi
Genuardi, Maurizio
Mecklin, Jukka-Pekka
Moeslein, Gabriela
Sampson, Julian R.
Capellá, G. (Gabriel)
Mallorca Group
Keywords: Càncer
Malalties hereditàries
Factors de risc en les malalties
Genetic diseases
Risk factors in diseases
Issue Date: 28-Jul-2017
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group
Abstract: Background Most patients with path_MMR gene variants (Lynch syndrome (LS)) now survive both their first and subsequent cancers, resulting in a growing number of older patients with LS for whom limited information exists with respect to cancer risk and survival. Objective and design  This observational, international, multicentre study aimed to determine prospectively observed incidences of cancers and survival in path_MMR carriers up to 75 years of age. Results 3119 patients were followed for a total of 24 475 years. Cumulative incidences at 75 years (risks) for colorectal cancer were 46%, 43% and 15% in path_MLH1, path_MSH2 and path_MSH6 carriers; for endometrial cancer 43%, 57% and 46%; for ovarian cancer 10%, 17% and 13%; for upper gastrointestinal (gastric, duodenal, bile duct or pancreatic) cancers 21%, 10% and 7%; for urinary tract cancers 8%, 25% and 11%; for prostate cancer 17%, 32% and 18%; and for brain tumours 1%, 5% and 1%, respectively. Ovarian cancer occurred mainly premenopausally. By contrast, upper gastrointestinal, urinary tract and prostate cancers occurred predominantly at older ages. Overall 5-year survival for prostate cancer was 100%, urinary bladder 93%, ureter 85%, duodenum 67%, stomach 61%, bile duct 29%, brain 22% and pancreas 0%. Path_PMS2 carriers had lower risk for cancer. Conclusion  Carriers of different path_MMR variants exhibit distinct patterns of cancer risk and survival as they age. Risk estimates for counselling and planning of surveillance and treatment should be tailored to each patient's age, gender and path_MMR variant. We have updated our open-access website www.lscarisk. org to facilitate this.
Note: Reproducciót del document publicat a:
It is part of: Gut, 2017, vol. 67, p. 1306-1316
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ISSN: 0017-5749
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Clíniques)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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