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Title: Potential Use of Mobile Phone Applications for Self-Monitoring and Increasing Daily Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A Systematized Review
Author: Mandracchia, Floriana
Llauradó, Elisabet
Tarro, Lucia
Del Bas, Josep Maria
Valls, Rosa Maria
Pedret, Anna
Radeva, Petia
Arola Fernández, Lluís
Solà, Rosa
Boqué, Noemi
Keywords: Aplicacions mòbils
Aliments dietètics
Mobile apps
Dietetic foods
Issue Date: 22-Mar-2019
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: A wide range of chronic diseases could be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices, such as consuming five portions of fruits and vegetables daily, although the majority of the adult population does not meet this recommendation. The use of mobile phone applications for health purposes has greatly increased; these applications guide users in real time through various phases of behavioural change. This review aimed to assess the potential of self-monitoring mobile phone health (mHealth) applications to increase fruit and vegetable intake. PubMed and Web of Science were used to conduct this systematized review, and the inclusion criteria were: randomized controlled trials evaluating mobile phone applications focused on increasing fruit and/or vegetable intake as a primary or secondary outcome performed from 2008 to 2018. Eight studies were included in the final assessment. The interventions described in six of these studies were effective in increasing fruit and/or vegetable intake. Targeting stratified populations and using long-lasting interventions were identified as key aspects that could influence the effectiveness of these interventions. In conclusion, evidence shows the effectiveness of mHealth application interventions to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Further research is needed to design effective interventions and to determine their efficacy over the long term.
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It is part of: Nutrients, 2019, vol. 11, num. 3, p. 686
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ISSN: 2072-6643
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Matemàtiques i Informàtica)

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