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Title: Towards an understanding of talent management as a phenomenon-driven field using bibliometric and content analysis
Author: Gallardo-Gallardo, Eva
Nijs, Sanne
Dries, Nicky
Gallo de Puelles, Pedro
Keywords: Cerca de talents (Treball)
Anàlisi de contingut (Comunicació)
Talent identification
Content analysis (Communication)
Issue Date: Sep-2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: This review adopts a phenomenon-driven approach in reviewing the talent management (TM) literature, applying methods derived from bibliometrics and content analysis to evaluate the state of the field and derive implications for research and practice unbiased towards a-priori assumptions of which frameworks or methods are most adequate. Based on analyses of publication volume, journals and their impact factors, most cited articles and authors, preferred methods, and represented countries, we assess whether TM should be approached as an embryonic, growth, or mature phenomenon, and examine dominant (i.e., resource-based view, international human resource management, employee assessment, and institutionalism) versus 'alternative' (i.e., knowledge management, career management, strength-based approach, and social exchange theory) theoretical frameworks. Our goal is to assist TM researchers in positioning their work more explicitly vis-à-vis current debates in the existing literature and encourage them to think about which approach best fits their research aims, questions, and designs.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Human Resource Management Review, 2015, vol. 25, num. 3, p. 264-279
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ISSN: 1053-4822
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Sociologia)

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