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Title: Cianofícies i algues aerofítiques de substrats carbonatats.
Author: Ariño, X.
Canals, Antoni
Hernández Mariné, Ma. de la Concepción
Keywords: Cianobacteris
Roques calcàries
Carbonate rocks
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Departament de Biologia Vegetal, Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: Atmophytic Cyanophyta and Algae from limestone substrata. The walls of caves and tombs support an abundant colonization of light-dependent organisms. A total of 4 liverworts, 3 mosses, 7 lichens and 28 cyanophyta and algae are reported from 3 collecting sites. The development and specific composition of these organisms is related to microclimatic parameters. Opportunistic species present in soils are found on the mouth of hypogeal niches. Light attenuation allows the development of calcifying cyanophyta following a succesional pattern, each level having a different dominant species. Communities dominated by Scytonema julianum are replaced by Herpyzonema pulverulentum and, towards the less iluminated area, by Geitleria calcarea and Loriella sp. Key words: Caves, Light attenuation, Non vascular plants, Colonization, Calcifying cyanophyta, Scytonema julianum, Herpyzonema pulverulentum, Geitleria calcarea, Chlorophyta, Diatoms, Microclimatic gradient.
Note: Reproducció digital del document publicat en format paper
It is part of: Acta Botánica Barcinonensia, 1998, vol. 45, p. 133-140
ISSN: 0210-7597
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia, Sanitat i Medi Ambient)

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