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Title: Bullire, al pòsit
Author: Sevilla Paris, Anna
Director/Tutor: Padilla, Òscar
Keywords: Arts
Espai (Art)
Instal·lacions (Art)
Treballs de fi de grau
Space (Art)
Installations (Art)
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: 3-Sep-2020
Abstract: [cat] M’impregno a la constància de tot allò que convida a divagar i fer moure les coses. La fita és anar construint i anar senyalant punts de connexió i de fregament que siguin inestables però, tanmateix situats i coherents. L’escriptura em convida a habitar-la i em marca un ritme que es fa processual, i jo m’hi acullo, i m’hi intento replegar des d’ella cap a altres cossos i interessos que es belluguen: juntes ens anem adaptant als espais, i els palpem, quasi a cegues, com una massa de matèria que creix i es re-adapta amb el temps, fins que vessa. Amb els degotejos que es recullen la meva intenció és anar modelant, mantenint la massa sempre humida.
[eng] I’m soaked in the constancy of everything that invites me to digress and make things move. The goal is to build and suggest some points of connection and friction that are unsteady but still located and clear. The practice of writing invites me to inhabit it and marks a rythm in me that becomes procedural, and I take refuge in it, and I try to embrace it from itself to other bodies and interests that move: together we adapt each other to the spaces, and we palpate them, almost blindly, like a mass of matter that grows and re-adapts over time, until it spills. With the drips that are collected my intention is to go on modeling, keeping the mass always moist.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Padilla, Òscar
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Belles Arts

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