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Title: A Citizen's Claim: Science With and for Society
Author: Soler Gallart, Marta
Gómez González, Aitor
Keywords: Investigació qualitativa
Ciències socials
Anàlisi d'impacte econòmic
Avaluació de serveis socials
Qualitative research
Social sciences
Economic impact analysis
Evaluation of social services
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2020
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Abstract: Social science research has been attacked by neoliberal thinkers who allege that such research lacks economic objectives. In the face of neoliberal and positivist criteria for evaluating the social impact of social science inquiry, social science researchers are developing qualitative evaluation methodologies through which we can have direct contact with citizens. These qualitative methodologies declare our social responsibility as social researchers in addressing relevant problems, especially those affecting the most vulnerable people. From these qualitative methodologies, the most vulnerable groups are included in the assessment of the social impacts of social research. Some examples of people who have participated in this qualitative evaluation include women, youth, immigrants, and Roma organizations. Participants perceived social science researchers as being far from their social reality, but in this research, they began to overcome their skepticism that social science research can help to solve those problems affecting their everyday lives.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Qualitative Inquiry, 2020, vol. 26, num. 8-9, p. 943-947
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ISSN: 1077-8004
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Sociologia)

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