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Title: Bisphenol-A exposure and risk of breast and prostate cancer in the Spanish European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study
Author: Salamanca Fernández, Elena
Rodríguez Barranco, Miguel
Amiano, Pilar
Delfrade, Josu
Chirlaque, Maria Dolores
Colorado, Sandra
Guevara, Marcela
Jimenez, Ana
Arrebola, Juan Pedro
Vela, Fernando
Olea, Nicolás
Agudo, Antonio
Sánchez, Maria José
Keywords: Càncer de pròstata
Càncer de mama
Factors de risc en les malalties
Prostate cancer
Breast cancer
Risk factors in diseases
Issue Date: 16-Aug-2021
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Abstract: Background: Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor that it is present in numerous products of daily use. The aim of this study was to assess the potential association of serum BPA concentrations and the risk of incident breast and prostate cancer in a sub-cohort of the Spanish European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Methods: We designed a case-cohort study within the EPIC-Spain cohort. Study population consisted on 4812 participants from 4 EPIC-Spain centers (547 breast cancer cases, 575 prostate cancer cases and 3690 sub-cohort participants). BPA exposure was assessed by means of chemical analyses of serum samples collected at recruitment. Borgan II weighted Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios. Results: Median follow-up time in our study was 16.9 years. BPA geometric mean serum values of cases and sub-cohort were 1.12 ng/ml vs 1.10 ng/ml respectively for breast cancer and 1.33 ng/ml vs 1.29 ng/ml respectively for prostate cancer. When categorizing BPA into tertiles, a 40% increase in risk of prostate cancer for tertile 1 (p = 0.022), 37% increase for tertile 2 (p = 0.034) and 31% increase for tertile 3 (p = 0.072) was observed with respect to values bellow the limit of detection. No significant association was observed between BPA levels and breast cancer risk. Conclusions: We found a similar percentage of detection of BPA among cases and sub-cohort from our population, and no association with breast cancer risk was observed. However, we found a higher risk of prostate cancer for the increase in serum BPA levels. Further investigation is needed to understand the influence of BPA in prostate cancer risk.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Environmental Health, 2021, vol. 20, num. 88
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