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Title: From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain
Author: Tsagkari, Marula
Roca Jusmet, Jordi
Kallis, Giorgos
Keywords: Política energètica
Energies renovables
Energy policy
Renewable energy sources
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The energy sector is at the center of the current economic system, and of literature and activism on degrowth, which questions the sustainability of current models of energy use. Local and small-scale energy systems may have the potential to reduce energy and resource consumption and to advance degrowth-related ideals of energy democracy, self-sufficiency, and local production (...)
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It is part of: Energy Research & Social Science, 2021, vol. 81, num. 102288, p. 1-11
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ISSN: 2214-6296
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Economia)

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