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dc.contributor.advisorRosell Nicolás, Teresa-
dc.contributor.authorAguilar-Sanjosé, David-
dc.descriptionTreballs Finals de Grau d'Estudis Literaris, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020-2021, Tutora: Teresa Rosell Nicolásca
dc.description.abstract[cat]Aquest estudi pretén fer una lectura en clau metateatral de Blasted, de Sarah Kane, Attempts on her life, de Martin Crimp, i Blue Heart, de Caryl Churchill, per analitzar com, a partir del moviment reflexiu orientat cap al propi dispositiu escènic, s’accentua la consciència de l’ontologia lúdica que subjau a la forma dramàtica, així com les problemàtiques que aquesta genera. La lectura s’enfocarà en observar, per una banda, de quina manera es planteja aquesta pregunta ontològica respecte del drama i, per l’altra, com aquesta autorreflexió pot constituir el vehicle d’un pensament crític que es faci càrrec, també, de la realitat extradramàtica, és a dir, d’un pensament entorn de la contemporaneï
dc.description.abstract[eng]This study intends to read Blasted, by Sarah Kane, Attempts on her life, by Martin Crimp, and Blue Heart, by Caryl Churchill, focusing on the metatheatrical devices that they unfold: we will notice how the self-reflexive orientation of these plays tends to highlight the awareness of the ludic ontology that bases dramatic form, and the problems that this ontology suggests. Our reading will attend, on the one hand, the specific ways in which this ontological question is being made, and, on the other hand, the critical discourse regarding extradramatic reality or, in other words, the discourse about our contemporaneity that this self-reflexive movement is able to
dc.format.extent33 p.-
dc.rightscc-by-nc-nd (c) David Aguilar Sanjosé, 2021-
dc.sourceTreballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Estudis Literaris-
dc.subject.classificationKane, Sarah, 1971-1999. Blasted-
dc.subject.classificationCrimp, Martin, 1956-. Attempts on her life-
dc.subject.classificationChurchill, Caryl, 1938-. Blue Heart-
dc.subject.classificationTreballs de fi de grau-
dc.subject.otherKane, Sarah, 1971-1999. Blasted-
dc.subject.otherCrimp, Martin, 1956-. Attempts on her life-
dc.subject.otherChurchill, Caryl, 1938-. Blue Heart-
dc.subject.otherBachelor's theses-
dc.title[NOT] BREAKING THE RULES —una reflexió metateatral respecte de l’ontologia lúdica de Blasted, Attempts on her life i Blue Heart—cat
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Estudis Literaris

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