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dc.contributor.advisorRoca Cánovas, Raúl-
dc.contributor.authorCabezas Quirós, Rodrigo-
dc.descriptionTreballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2021, Director: Raúl Roca Cánovasca
dc.description.abstract[en] In any organization, having control over the endpoints is crucial to avoid, detect and give an effective and immediate response to cyberattacks. However, it is not until a later phase (post-cyberincident) that a thorough forensic analysis can be done and the origin, costs and scope of the incident identified. This second phase is essential for the organization as it serves as a guideline to handle and mitigate similar attacks in the future, as well as a method of evidence collection that can be used against the perpetrators of the attack. This project focuses in the post-incident phase and its goal is to design a remote forensic analysis system that allows the monitoring of diverse information from a remote machine such as the processes running, the network traffic or the devices connected to the machine, among others. To carry out this goal, a webapp, a client and a server have been implemented to execute the functions of control, information recovery and data exchange and processing,
dc.format.extent96 p.-
dc.rightsmemòria: cc-nc-nd (c) Rodrigo Cabezas Quirós, 2021-
dc.rightscodi: GPL (c) Rodrigo Cabezas Quirós, 2021-
dc.sourceTreballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Enginyeria Informàtica-
dc.subject.classificationComputació distribuïdaca
dc.subject.classificationSeguretat informàticaca
dc.subject.classificationTreballs de fi de grauca
dc.subject.classificationSeguretat de les xarxes d'ordinadorsca
dc.subject.otherComputational grids (Computer systems)en
dc.subject.otherComputer securityen
dc.subject.otherComputer softwareen
dc.subject.otherComputer network securityen
dc.subject.otherBachelor's thesesen
dc.titleSquid-remote: sistema de análisis forense remoto sobre endpointsca
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Enginyeria Informàtica

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