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Title: Centenary of the Russian Revolution: (1917-2017)
Author: Mayayo i Artal, Andreu
Pellegrini, Alberto
Segura, Antoni, 1952-
Keywords: Revolució Russa, 1917
Guerra Mundial I, 1914-1918
Amèrica Llatina
Russian Revolution, 1917
World War, 1914-1918
Latin America
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Abstract: On the occasion of the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Centre d'Estudis Històrics Internacionals of the University of Barcelona (Center for International Historical Studies, CEHI-UB) has carried out a number of academic initiatives to deepen the study of the Russian revolutionary phenomenon, as well as the repercussions and the long-term consequences of that momentous event. Among the most significant results of the collective work done by CEHI-UB members, we can mention a series of lectures about the Revolution organised by the University of Barcelona; a course for university students held throughout the spring of 2017; and the publication, in book format, of a collection of essays by a Spanish publishing house (Andreu Mayayo and José Manuel Rúa, eds., Y el mundo cambió de base. Una mirada histórica a la Revolución Rusa). As a conclusion of this work, the University of Barcelona has held, in October 2017, an international congress (Centenary of the Russian Revolution, 1917-2017), that has been attended by leading specialists in the field, both Spanish and foreign. This volume collects all the conference papers, expanded and revised for English publication; it is also further enriched by the inclusion of three chapters expressly written for the book, as well as an introduction and final conclusions that help contextualise the text and confer coherence.
Note: This book is part of the research project “Spanish Civil War and three decades of war in Europe: legacies and consequences (1914-1945/2014) ” (ref. HAR2013-4160-P).
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ISBN: 1-5275-1407-2
Appears in Collections:Llibres / Capítols de llibre (Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals (CEHI-UB))

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