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Title: Design of the necessary installations to make a home independent in terms of energy
Author: Aguirre Temprano, Ignacio
Director/Tutor: Torres i Castillo, Ricard
Keywords: Energies renovables
Emmagatzematge d'energia
Treballs de fi de grau
Renewable energy sources
Storage of energy
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: Jan-2021
Abstract: In the present work, the preliminary design of the necessary installations to satisfy the energy demand of an already built house, located in the municipality of el Perelló, is carried out, in order to make it independent from the electricity network. In other words, turning the house into a self-sufficient accommodation through the use of renewable energies and with a minimum environmental impact, in order to promote a responsible house with the environment. The demand for electrical energy is supplied by wind energy, while the demand for thermal energy for the domestic hot water will be supplied by solar thermal energy. The energy demand of the home, both electrical and thermal, is estimated by means of domestic appliances, electrical heating, lighting and domestic hot water consumption. To estimate the consumption of the electrical heating, a thermal study is done to determine the heat losses generated. A wind study and a solar study are carried out on the site of the home to determine the wind and solar radiation resources available. These data, together with the hypotheses of daily electricity consumption and domestic hot water consumption, are used to choose the model and the number of wind turbines and solar thermal panels needed to satisfy the house's energy demand. The final design is carried out by comparing different models on the market, choosing the one that suits the expected needs the best. In addition, a model of batteries is also chosen for energy storage in order to satisfy the demand on days with adverse weather conditions. Once the project has been completed, the detailed engineering project for the entire installation is left for future work.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020-2021, Tutor: Ricard Torres i Castillo
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Enginyeria Química

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