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Title: Birth cohort- specific trends of sun-related behaviors among individuals from an International consortium of melanoma-prone families.
Author: Lacson, John Charles A.
Zamani, Shawn A.
Ribeiro Froes Jr., Luis Alberto
Mitra, Nandita
Qian, Lu
Doyle, Scarlet H.
Azizi, Esther
Balestrini, Claudia
Bishop, D. Timothy
Bruno, William
Carlos Ortega, Blanca
Cuellar, Francisco
Cust, Anne E.
Elder, David E.
Gerdes, Anne Marie
Ghiorzo, Paola
Grazziotin, Thais Corsetti
Gruis, Nelleke A.
Hansson, Johan
Hocevar, Marko
Höiom, Veronica
Holland, Elizabeth A.
Ingvar, Christian
Landman, Gilles
Larre Borges, Alejandra
Mann, Graham J.
Molgo, Montserrat
Facure Moredo, Luciana
Olsson, Håkan
Out Luiting, Jacoba J.
Peric, Barbara
Pjanova, Dace
Puig i Sardà, Susana
Salas Alanis, Julio
Schmid, Helen
Wadt, Karin A.W.
Newton-Bishop, Julia A.
Kanetsky, Peter A.
GenoMEL Study Group
Keywords: Melanoma
Càncer de pell
Medicina familiar
Radiació solar
Factors de risc en les malalties
Conducta de risc (Psicologia)
Skin cancer
Family medicine
Solar radiation
Risk factors in diseases
Risk-taking (Psychology)
Issue Date: 23-Apr-2021
Publisher: BioMed Central
Abstract: Background: Individuals from melanoma-prone families have similar or reduced sun-protective behaviors compared to the general population. Studies on trends in sun-related behaviors have been temporally and geographically limited. Methods: Individuals from an international consortium of melanoma-prone families (GenoMEL) were retrospectively asked about sunscreen use, sun exposure (time spent outside), sunburns, and sunbed use at several timepoints over their lifetime. Generalized linear mixed models were used to examine the association between these outcomes and birth cohort defined by decade spans, after adjusting for covariates. Results: A total of 2407 participants from 547 families across 17 centers were analyzed. Sunscreen use increased across subsequent birth cohorts, and although the likelihood of sunburns increased until the 1950s birth cohort, it decreased thereafter. Average sun exposure did not change across the birth cohorts, and the likelihood of sunbed use increased in more recent birth cohorts. We generally did not find any differences in sun-related behavior when comparing melanoma cases to non-cases. Melanoma cases had increased sunscreen use, decreased sun exposure, and decreased odds of sunburn and sunbed use after melanoma diagnosis compared to before diagnosis. Conclusions: Although sunscreen use has increased and the likelihood of sunburns has decreased in more recent birth cohorts, individuals in melanoma-prone families have not reduced their overall sun exposure and had an increased likelihood of sunbed use in more recent birth cohorts. These observations demonstrate partial improvements in melanoma prevention and suggest that additional intervention strategies may be needed to achieve optimal sun-protective behavior in melanoma-prone families.
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It is part of: BMC Public Health, 2021, vol. 21, num. 1, p. 692
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ISSN: 1471-2458
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Medicina)
Articles publicats en revistes (IDIBAPS: Institut d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)

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