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Title: Estado de salud de personas inmigrantes en Cataluña desde una perspectiva de género: Proyecto PELFI
Author: Ferrer, Laia
Gaillardin, Florianne
Cayuela, Ana
Hernando, Cristina
Muñoz, Rafael
Sánchez, Néstor
Forero, Carlos G.
Ronda, Elena
Casabona, Jordi
Keywords: Migrants
Indicadors de salut
Famílies immigrants
Condicions socials
Health status indicators
Immigrant families
Social conditions
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2021
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Abstract: Objective: The objective of the study is to assess the health status of immigrant men and women from non-EU countries living in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) and to identify the social determinants of health from a gender perspective. Method: Cross-sectional analysis from a cohort of immigrant families recruited in Badalona and Santa Coloma de Gramenet, in Spain (PELFI cohort). In 2015-2016, 167 immigrants answered the baseline epidemiological questionnaire and the 5-level EuroQol instrument (EQ-5D) which measures health status. To identify health determinants, Tobit models were constructed to the EQ-5D index. Results: Women rated poorer self-perceived health (p = 0.005). To be diagnosed with and illness was only associated with poor self-perceived health among men (p < 0.05). Length of residence, domestic work, and especially double workload deteriorated women's health. After adjusting models by demographics and social determinants, permanent administrative status (-0.136; p = 0.015) and social support (0.182; p = 0.02) were associated with health status in both sexes. To have a job was associated with better health only in men. Conclusions: Non-EU immigrants living in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona are a socially vulnerable group of population and present inequalities in health by sex. Social support and occupation are key factors of their health status. Interventions to reduce immigrant vulnerabilities and inequalities in health should promote their social inclusion and cohesion from a gender perspective.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Gaceta Sanitaria, 2021, vol. 36, num. 4, p. 368-375
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ISSN: 0213-9111
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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