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Title: Mycotoxin Exposure and Renal Cell Carcinoma Risk: An Association Study in the EPIC European Cohort
Author: Claeys, Liesel
De Saeger, Sarah
Scelo, Ghislaine
Biessy, Carine
Casagrande, Corinne
Nicolas, Geneviève
Korenjak, Michael
Fervers, Beatrice
Heath, Alicia K.
Krogh, Vittorio
Luján Barroso, Leila
Castilla, Jesús
Ljungberg, Börje
Rodriguez Barranco, Miguel
Ericson, Ulrika
Santiuste, Carmen
Catalano, Alberto
Overvad, Kim
Brustad, Magritt
Gunter, Marc J.
Zavadil, Jiri
De Boevre, Marthe
Huybrechts, Inge
Keywords: Epidemiologia
Càncer de ronyó
Renal cancer
Issue Date: 30-Aug-2022
Publisher: MDPI AG
Abstract: Background: Mycotoxins have been suggested to contribute to a spectrum of adverse health effects in humans, including at low concentrations. The recognition of these food contaminants being carcinogenic, as co-occurring rather than as singularly present, has emerged from recent research. The aim of this study was to assess the potential associations of single and multiple mycotoxin exposures with renal cell carcinoma risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Methods: Food questionnaire data from the EPIC cohort were matched to mycotoxin food occurrence data compiled by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) from European Member States to assess long-term dietary mycotoxin exposures, and to associate these with the risk of renal cell carcinoma (RCC, n = 911 cases) in 450,112 EPIC participants. Potential confounding factors were taken into account. Analyses were conducted using Cox's proportional hazards regression models to compute hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) with mycotoxin exposures expressed as mu g/kg body weight/day. Results: Demographic characteristics differed between the RCC cases and non-cases for body mass index, age, alcohol intake at recruitment, and other dietary factors. In addition, the mycotoxin exposure distributions showed that a large proportion of the EPIC population was exposed to some of the main mycotoxins present in European foods such as deoxynivalenol (DON) and derivatives, fumonisins, Fusarium toxins, Alternaria toxins, and total mycotoxins. Nevertheless, no statistically significant associations were observed between the studied mycotoxins and mycotoxin groups, and the risk of RCC development. Conclusions: These results show an absence of statistically significant associations between long-term dietary mycotoxin exposures and RCC risk. However, these results need to be validated in other cohorts and preferably using repeated dietary exposure measurements. In addition, more occurrence data of, e.g., citrinin and fumonisins in different food commodities and countries in the EFSA database are a prerequisite to establish a greater degree of certainty.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Nutrients, 2022, vol. 14, núm. 17, p. 3581
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ISSN: 2072-6643
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))
Publicacions de projectes de recerca finançats per la UE

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