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Title: Haemothorax in the course of chickenpox
Author: Rodriguez, E.
Martínez, J.
Javaloyas de Morlius, Manuel
Nonell, F.
Torres Salinas, Miguel
Keywords: Malalties infeccioses
Malalties del pulmó
Communicable diseases
Pulmonary diseases
Issue Date: 1986
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group
Abstract: Varicella pneumonia develops in 10-20% of cases of chickenpox occurring in adolescence or adult life.' Airflow obstruction, pleural effusion, and respiratory failure are less frequent. Although several haemorrhagic pleuropulmonary complications have been described in the course of chickenpox, haemothorax has been observed only once. We describe a new case of this association.
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It is part of: Thorax, 1986, vol. 41, p. 491
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ISSN: 0040-6376
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Medicina)
Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Clíniques)

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