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Title: Patient risk factors for developing a drug-related problem in a cardiology ward
Author: Urbina, Olatz
Ferrandez, Olivia
Luque, Sonia
Grau, Santiago
Mojal, Sergi
Pellicer, Rosa
Riu, Marta
Salas, Esther
Comín Colet, Josep
Keywords: Malalties cardiovasculars
Farmàcia clínica
Seguretat dels pacients
Administració de medicaments
Cardiovascular diseases
Clinical pharmacy
Patients safety
Administration of drugs
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2014
Publisher: Dove Medical Press
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Because of the high incidence of drug-related problems (DRPs) among hospitalized patients with cardiovascular diseases and their potential impact on morbidity and mortality, it is important to identify the most susceptible patients, who therefore require closer monitoring of drug therapy. PURPOSE: To identify the profile of patients at higher risk of developing at least one DRP during hospitalization in a cardiology ward. METHOD: We consecutively included all patients hospitalized in the cardiology ward of a teaching hospital in 2009. DRPs were identified through a computerized warning system designed by the pharmacy department and integrated into the electronic medical record. RESULTS: A total of 964 admissions were included, and at least one DRP was detected in 29.8%. The variables associated with a higher risk of these events were polypharmacy (odds ratio [OR]=1.228; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.153-1.308), female sex (OR=1.496; 95% CI=1.026-2.180), and first admission (OR=1.494; 95% CI=1.005-2.221). CONCLUSION: Monitoring patients through a computerized warning system allowed the detection of at least one DRP in one-third of the patients. Knowledge of the risk factors for developing these problems in patients admitted to hospital for cardiovascular problems helps in identifying the most susceptible patients.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Therapeutics And Clinical Risk Management, 2014, vol. 11, p. 9-15
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ISSN: 1176-6336
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Clíniques)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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