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Title: Multicentric Standardization of protocols for the diagnosis of human mitochondrial respiratory chain defects
Author: Bujan, Nuria
Morén Núñez, Constanza
García-García, Francesc Josep
Blázquez, Alberto
Carnicer, Clara
Cortés, Ana Belén
González, Cristina
López-Gallardo, Ester
Lozano Garcia, Ester
Moliner, Sonia
Gort, Laura
Tobías, Ester
Delmiro, Aitor
Martín, Miguel A.
Fernández-Moreno, Miguel Ángel
Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo
Garcia-Arumí, Elena
Rodríguez-Aguilera Juan Carlos
Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
Keywords: Mitocondris
ADN mitocondrial
Aparell respiratori
Mitochondrial DNA
Respiratory organs
Issue Date: 8-Apr-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: The quantification of mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) enzymatic activities is essential for diagnosis of a wide range of mitochondrial diseases, ranging from inherited defects to secondary dysfunctions. MRC lesion is frequently linked to extended cell damage through the generation of proton leak or oxidative stress, threatening organ viability and patient health. However, the intrinsic challenge of a methodological setup and the high variability in measuring MRC enzymatic activities represents a major obstacle for comparative analysis amongst institutions. To improve experimental and statistical robustness, seven Spanish centers with extensive experience in mitochondrial research and diagnosis joined to standardize common protocols for spectrophotometric MRC enzymatic measurements using minimum amounts of sample. Herein, we present the detailed protocols, reference ranges, tips and troubleshooting methods for experimental and analytical setups in different sample preparations and tissues that will allow an international standardization of common protocols for the diagnosis of MRC defects. Methodological standardization is a crucial step to obtain comparable reference ranges and international standards for laboratory assays to set the path for further diagnosis and research in the field of mitochondrial diseases.
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It is part of: Antioxidants, 2022, vol. 11, num. 4
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ISSN: 2076-3921
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia Cel·lular, Fisiologia i Immunologia)
Articles publicats en revistes (IDIBAPS: Institut d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)

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