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Title: The paradox between the european pillar of social rights and eu economic governance: spanish reforms to wage-setting institutions and the working poor
Author: Canalda Criado, Sergio
Keywords: Drets socials i econòmics
Dret del treball
Reforma legislativa
Negociacions col·lectives de treball
Salari mínim
Social and economic rights
Labor laws and legislation
Law reform
Collective bargainings
Minimum wage
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law
Abstract: The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) was announced as a new platform for advancing social policy in the European Union. Among the principles and rights enshrined in the EPSR, the Commission has included the right of workers to be paid fair wages. However, in the context of EU Economic Governance, the EU country- specific recommendations steer national wage-setting institutions in the opposite direction. The outcomes sought by EU Economic Governance and the EPSR thus produce a paradox. This paper presents the Spanish case as an example of this paradox. More specifically, it assesses the reforms the Spanish Government made to minimum wage rules and the collective bargaining system during the financial crisis. In the end, all those reforms have led to wage stagnation and devaluation, causing an increasing number of working poor
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It is part of: Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 2019, vol. 9, num. 1, p. 32-50
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ISSN: 2079-5971
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Dret Privat)

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