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Title: Cross-sectional survey on the current role of clinical pharmacists among antimicrobial stewardship programmes in Catalonia: much ado about nothing
Author: Echeverria-Esnal, Daniel
Hernández, Sergi
Murgadella Sancho, Anna
García-Paricio, Ramón
Ortonobes, Sara
Barrantes-González, Melisa
Padullés Zamora, Ariadna
Almendral, Alexander
Tuset, Montse
Limón, Enrique
Grau, Santiago
Catalan Infection Control Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme (VINCat-ASP)
Keywords: Farmàcia clínica
Clinical pharmacy
Issue Date: 6-Apr-2023
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Background: Antimicrobial resistance killed 1.27 million people in 2019, so urgent actions are desperately needed. Antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs) are essential to optimize antimicrobial use. The objective was to acknowledge the current role of clinical pharmacists engaged in ASP activities in Catalonia. Methods. This was a cross-sectional survey shared through the Catalan Infection Control Programme (VINCat). The survey consisted of four sections and was sent by e-mail. Results. A total of 69.0% of the centres answered. Pharmacists dedicated a median of 5.0 h per week (2.1 h/week/100 acute care beds), representing 0.15 full time equivalents. The ASP lacked information technology (IT) support, as only 16.3% of centres automatically calculated defined daily doses and days of therapy. Those with less than 15% of their time available for ASPs conducted fewer clinical activities, especially prospective audits and feedback. Those without official infectious diseases training also performed fewer clinical activities, but training was less determinant than IT support or time. Pharmacists performed interventions mostly through annotation in the medical records. Conclusions: Clinical pharmacists from Catalonia dedicated to ASPs present an important lack of time and IT support to perform clinical activities. Pharmacists should also improve their clinical skills and try to conduct clinical advice to prescribers, either by phone or face-to-face.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Antibiotics, 2023, vol. 12, num. 4
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ISSN: 2079-6382
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Infermeria de Salut Pública, Salut mental i Maternoinfantil)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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