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Title: Instagram as an asset for sport brands and how to apply it correctly
Author: Lisa, Geybels
Director/Tutor: Fontelles Galera, Meritxell
Keywords: Xarxes socials en línia
Màrqueting per Internet
Construcció de marca (Màrqueting)
Treballs de fi de màster
Online social networks
Internet marketing
Branding (Marketing)
Master's thesis
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The main aim of this thesis is to inform and convince sport businesses that Instagram is a great marketing opportunity. I noticed that still for a lot of small sport companies, and also some bigger brands, their Instagram pages are maintained because ‘they need to’ instead of making full use of the power of this social media platform. In the first half of this thesis, I will give a some more information about the history of Instagram and why specifically this social media platform is interesting for sport businesses. In the second part I will be diving into the different functions Instagram offers its users and also how to follow-up if a marketing strategy is working well. Furthermore, I will explain the four fundamental pillars that are included in every successful social media profile. Later I will compare three well-known sport brands (ADIDAS, ASICS and NIKE) and see how they applied these pillars into their marketing strategy. The last part is more practical, since I had the opportunity to conduct an interview with the owner of ‘We Are Capable’, where I am also doing my internship.
Note: Treballs Finals del Màster en Direcció d'Empreses de l'Esport, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutor: Meritxell Fontelles Galera
Appears in Collections:Màster Oficial - Direcció d'Empreses de l'Esport

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