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Title: Observaciones sobre algunas variantes de factura virgiliana en el texto de Ovidio (ejemplos de met. 10)
Author: Fàbregas Salis, Pere
Keywords: Manuscrits llatins
Filologia clàssica
Crítica textual
Latin manuscripts
Classical philology
Textual criticism
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Paideia Editrice
Abstract: Some textual variants from Metamorphoses, Book 10, which can be understood as interpolations from Virgilian parallels («scribal reminiscence»), are discussed: 10,374; 654; 453; 553; 192; 536. Some other passages are briefly addressed: 1,771; 2,179; 792; 9,452; 14,456-458; 14,548.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Paideia: rivista di filologia, ermeneutica e critica letteraria , 2019, vol. 74, num.1, p. 477-490
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ISSN: 0030-9435
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Filologia Clàssica, Romànica i Semítica)

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