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Title: Planning from below in Barcelona
Author: Bonet-Martí, Jordi
Martí-Costa, Marc
Keywords: Política urbana
Poblenou (Barcelona, Catalunya)
Reivindicacions socials
Urban policy
Poblenou (Barcelona, Catalonia)
Social claims
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Routledge
Abstract: This chapter looks at the potential and limits of social mobilization to defend an industrial site in the neighbourhood of Poblenou – a central part of Barcelona’s urban plan. The case of Can Ricart provides valuable insight into the ways various, seemingly distinct, actors can work together to redefine and participate more effectively in the urban planning process. Using Can Ricart as an example, we hope to provide elements for reflection on the logic of Barcelona’s current planning process.
Note: Versió postprint del capítol del llibre publicat a:
It is part of: Capítol de llibre: Porter, Libby & Shaw, Kate (eds.), Whose urban regeneration? An international comparison of urban regeneration strategies, Routledge, 2008, ISBN 9780203884539, pp. 118-128
Appears in Collections:Llibres / Capítols de llibre (Sociologia)

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