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Title: Guide to the correct identification of authorship and institutional affiliation in scientific publications of the University of Barcelona
Author: Universitat de Barcelona. CRAI
Keywords: Normalització
Universitat de Barcelona
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Abstract: It is well known that failure to standardize the names of researchers and institutions (including the name of the University of Barcelona itself) in scientific publications, journals and the main bibliographic databases reduces the identification and visibility of UB authors at the national and international level. It is therefore very important that authors always write their name and the name of the institution where they work (or institutions in the case of authors with multiple affiliations) in the same way. If an author writes their name and the name of their institution in different ways in their research output over their academic career, this makes it difficult to locate publications in journals and databases and to track citations. Errors in transferring this information from the original document to the electronic version can compound this problem. Needless to say, this is to the detriment of both the researcher and the institution.
Note: Text reviewed by: Jordi Ardanuy Baró, Ander Errasti López, Albert Díaz Guilera, Maria Feliu Torruella, Jordi Garcia Fernàndez, Joan Guàrdia Olmos, Olga Lanau Rami, Gemma Marfany Nadal, Jordi Matas Dalmases, Lluís Medir Tejado, José Navarro Cid, Carme Pineda Teixido, Montserrat Puig Llobet, Joan Santanach Suñol, Mercè Segarra Rubí, Ignasi Labastida Juan, Ricardo Casaroli Marano.
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