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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Márquez, Paula-
dc.contributor.authorCalleja Cervantes, María E.-
dc.contributor.authorSerrano, Guillermo-
dc.contributor.authorOliver Caldés, Aina-
dc.contributor.authorPalacios Berraquero, María L.-
dc.contributor.authorMartín Mallo, Ángel-
dc.contributor.authorCalviño Suárez, Cristina-
dc.contributor.authorEspañol Rego, Marta-
dc.contributor.authorCeballos, Candela-
dc.contributor.authorLozano, Teresa-
dc.contributor.authorSan Martin Uriz, Patxi-
dc.contributor.authorVilas Zornoza, Amaia-
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Díaz, Saray-
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Turrillas, Rebeca-
dc.contributor.authorJáuregui, Patricia-
dc.contributor.authorAlignani, Diego-
dc.contributor.authorViguria, María C.-
dc.contributor.authorRedondo, Margarita-
dc.contributor.authorPascal, Mariona-
dc.contributor.authorMartín-Antonio, Beatriz-
dc.contributor.authorJuan, Manel-
dc.contributor.authorUrbano Ispizua, Álvaro-
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Otero, Paula-
dc.contributor.authorAlfonso Pierola, Ana-
dc.contributor.authorPaiva, Bruno-
dc.contributor.authorLasarte, Juan J.-
dc.contributor.authorInogés, Susana-
dc.contributor.authorLópez Díaz de Cerio, Ascensión-
dc.contributor.authorSan Miguel, Jesús-
dc.contributor.authorFernández de Larrea Rodríguez, Carlos José-
dc.contributor.authorHernáez, Mikel-
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Madoz, Juan R.-
dc.contributor.authorProsper, Felipe-
dc.description.abstractIdentification of new markers associated with long-term efficacy in patients treated with CAR T cells is a current medical need, particularly in diseases such as multiple myeloma. In this study, we address the impact of CAR density on the functionality of BCMA CAR T cells. Functional and transcriptional studies demonstrate that CAR T cells with high expression of the CAR construct show an increased tonic signaling with up-regulation of exhaustion markers and increased in vitro cytotoxicity but a decrease in in vivo BM infiltration. Characterization of gene regulatory networks using scRNA-seq identified regulons associated to activation and exhaustion up-regulated in CARHigh T cells, providing mechanistic insights behind differential functionality of these cells. Last, we demonstrate that patients treated with CAR T cell products enriched in CARHigh T cells show a significantly worse clinical response in several hematological malignancies. In summary, our work demonstrates that CAR density plays an important role in CAR T activity with notable impact on clinical response.-
dc.format.extent15 p.-
dc.publisherAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science-
dc.relation.isformatofReproducció del document publicat a:
dc.relation.ispartofScience Advances, 2022, vol. 8, num. 39-
dc.rightscc by-nc (c) Rodríguez Márquez, Paula et al, 2022-
dc.sourceArticles publicats en revistes (IDIBAPS: Institut d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)-
dc.subject.classificationCèl·lules T-
dc.subject.classificationMieloma múltiple-
dc.subject.otherT cells-
dc.subject.otherMultiple myeloma-
dc.titleCAR density influences antitumoral efficacy of BCMA CAR T cells and correlates with clinical outcome-
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (IDIBAPS: Institut d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)

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