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Title: Unleashing the power of communication: exploring the dynamics of slack channel networks and project success
Author: Muse Woldesembet, Eyuel
Director/Tutor: Díaz Guilera, Albert
Keywords: Xarxes socials en línia
Comunicació en l'empresa
Sistemes complexos
Treballs de fi de màster
Xarxes socials en línia
Business communication
Complex systems
Master's thesis
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2023
Abstract: Communication is at the center of any human organisation. In this thesis I analyse the communication patterns of employees from a company called Superside by extracting data from Slack, their communication platform, and analysing it as a network. I find that the distribution of users among channels is optimal when looked at from the perspective of robustness. Additionally I analyse the participation of users in conversations and find that the network they form is a scale-free network, which makes the company weaker to targeted attacks (loosing central employees). In that same line I perform an experiment in order to find out the network related metric to look at when performing layoffs, which turns out to be Betweeness Centrality. Finally I dig into performance and I find indication that projects assigned to overworked employees tend to be delivered late, moreover, I show that the Project Manager’s centrality in the projects plays a significant role on the project being delivered late or on time.
Note: Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutor: Albert Díaz Guilera
Appears in Collections:Programari - Treballs de l'alumnat
Màster Oficial - Fonaments de la Ciència de Dades

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