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Title: A fuzzy-based decision model application on strategic management
Author: Keropyan, Aras
Gil Lafuente, Anna Maria
Keywords: Empreses
Planificació estratègica
Presa de decisions (Estadística)
Strategic planning
Statistical decision
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2011
Publisher: Academic Journals
Abstract: In this article, the objective is to demonstrate the effects of different decision styles on strategic decisions and likewise, on an organization. The technique that was presented in the study is based on the transformation of linguistic variables to numerical value intervals. In this model, the study benefits from fuzzy logic methodology and fuzzy numbers. This fuzzy methodology approach allows us to examine the relations between decision making styles and strategic management processes when there is uncertainty. The purpose is to provide results to companies that may help them to exercise the most appropriate decision making style for its different strategic management processes. The study is leaving more research topics for further studies that may be applied to other decision making areas within the strategic management process.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: African Journal of Business Management, 2011, vol. 5(15), p. 6586-6590
ISSN: 1993-8233
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Empresa)

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