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Title: Right to Land, Housing, and Property
Author: Calvet Martínez, Elisenda
Keywords: Refugiats
Tractats de pau
Peace treaties
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Abstract: In post-conflict situations, there is growing concern for the question of safeguarding the right of refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes, land, and property. A clear example of this trend is the adoption, in November 2016, of the peace agreement between Colombia and the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) after 52 years of internal armed conflict, in which the first issue addressed was comprehensive land reform. This considered that access to land, the transformation of the countryside, and the develop ment of agriculture create welfare for the rural population and contribute to building stable and lasting peace.
Note: Capítol de llibre publicat a:
It is part of: Capítol del llibre: Carsten Stahn (ed.) et al., Just Peace After Conflict: Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace, Oxford University Press, 2020, ISBN 978–0–19–882328–5, pp. 252-256
ISBN: 978–0–19–882328–5
Appears in Collections:Llibres / Capítols de llibre (Dret Penal i Criminologia, i Dret Internacional Públic i Relacions Internacionals)

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