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Title: Immunoglobulin A and C reactive protein levels in ankylosing spondylitis
Author: Collado Cruz, Antonio
Sanmartí Sala, Raimon
Brancós Cunill, Ma. Antonia
Kanterewicz Binstock, Eduardo
Gallart, Teresa
Rotés Querol, J. (Jaume), 1921-2008
Cobos Carbó, Albert
Keywords: Immunoglobulines
Espondiloartritis anquilosant
Ankylosing spondylitis
Issue Date: 1987
Publisher: BMJ Group
Abstract: Correspondence: SIR, We read with interest the recent paper by Sanders et al on the correlation of immunoglobulin and C reactive protein (CRP) levels in 22 patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).' The authors found that IgA serum levels, though raised in AS, do not correlate with CRP levels as they do in RA, suggesting that the mechanism of increase of IgA in the two diseases may be different. They conclude that production of IgA in AS is unrelated to the stimulation of acute phase reactants, reflecting a specific mucosal immune stimulation, possibly in the gut. Thus IgA may be a marker of the pathogenesis of AS.
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It is part of: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1987, vol. 46, núm. 9, p. 719-720
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ISSN: 0003-4967
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Medicina)

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