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Title: Analytic behavior of the QED polarizability function at finite temperature
Author: Bernal Serrano, Antonio
Pérez, Armando
Keywords: Gas d'electrons
Polarització (Física nuclear)
Electrodinàmica quàntica
Electron gas
Polarization (Nuclear physics)
Quantum electrodynamics
Issue Date: 17-Feb-2012
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Abstract: We revisit the analytical properties of the static quasi-photon polarizability function for an electron gas at finite temperature, in connection with the existence of Friedel oscillations in the potential created by an impurity. In contrast with the zero temperature case, where the polarizability is an analytical function, except for the two branch cuts which are responsible for Friedel oscillations, at finite temperature the corresponding function is non analytical, in spite of becoming continuous everywhere on the complex plane. This effect produces, as a result, the survival of the oscillatory behavior of the potential. We calculate the potential at large distances, and relate the calculation to the non-analytical properties of the polarizability.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: AIP Advances, 2012, vol. 2, núm. 1, p 012152-1-012152-9
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ISSN: 2158-3226
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Matemàtiques i Informàtica)

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